Crohn’s Athletic Recipes

Disclaimer: All recipes listed here work for me. If you try these and have a flair up that is on you. Make alterations as needed to avoid any issues.

Over the past year since my Diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease, I have been searching for and developing recipes that are not only Crohn’s friendly, but are also great for someone doing sports training. I personally have gone from struggling to eat 1300 calories a day cleanly to now being able to eat 3000 clean calories. Some of these recipes were designed to help get as much protein and carbs in as dense a meal as possible. Others are designed to get you as much volume as possible for as little caloric impact as possible. I also have a sweet tooth so I have come up with some treats that are high protein and low calorie for those on a Cut, and variations that will help you gain while you are in a Bulk.