Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 16

Day 16 has been a little rough. I woke up extremely sore and honestly didn't wake up well. It was a very average day. Wake up, go to work, come home, work out. Dot is doing better and only 2 more days of meds

I woke up this morning very tired. I'm pretty sure I did it this weekend. My knees, shoulder, and wrist are extremely sore. I am sure that this pain has migrated from my fingers to my hands. My other stuff is just overworked. I am going to contact my Gastro and see if they recommend anything to take that can reduce the inflammation.

During work my knees, shoulder, and wrist were hurting a lot. I tried getting up and walking around and it helped but this pain is getting unbearable. Even writing this now the soreness in my fingers is getting very old. I think I would rather deal with my stomach pain for a day than this for weeks on end.

After work I had to keep up with my 20 minutes of cardio. So I went to Planet Fitness but it was over crowded. This is when I am glad I have 2 gym memberships. The other Gym was fairly empty. So I did a 40ish minute walk and my knees felt better.

That's it for today. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Come back tomorrow for Day 17.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to like and share!


Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 17


Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 15