Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 32
Day 32 was a mixed bag. I woke up with my right knee and left elbow hurting quite a bit. Both my index fingers were swollen and tender. I got some interesting news from my doctor on results from my blood draw and plans for what's next. I also got in a good walk after work and had a good dinner.
My night was better than the past few. I could at least roll around a little without insane pain. When I woke up my right knee and left elbow were very sore and tender. Also my index fingers were still swollen and tender. My right pink was being weird also where it would go from being tender to normal. So I don't know what's going on with it.
Around 1 I spoke to my Doctor and they gave me some interesting news. So my Antibodies against the Stelara were non-existent, so that is good. My residual drug level was low. The Plan moving forward is to do another blood draw, get another CT scan to make sure my bowels aren’t inflamed again, and to go see a rheumatoid specialist. The blood draw is to see if they can see if anything is obvious to point out why I'm hurting. They want me to see a rheumatoid specialist because there is a strong chance that I have that also. It is another Autoimmune issue and it runs in my family. It would also make sense why I started to hurt when my drug levels started to get low, it can't fight the disease.
After work I went to the gym and got in my hour walk. I stopped at the store to get some items for the house and a halo top for me. I scheduled my blood draw first thing in the morning, and my CT scan is scheduled for 3/21. Also my first injection will be next week and I am getting the medicine tomorrow.
That's it for today. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop
Come back tomorrow for Day 33.
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