Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 30

Day 30 was once again a rough one for me. I didn’t sleep well. My shoulders were sore so moving was difficult. My neck was stiff as a board, my lower back felt like crap, my jaw was sore, and my knee felt like gravel in it. This was my worst morning yet. I went to work and contemplated leaving early but I stayed. After work I went up to my brothers and put the Mustang back up since it's going to rain and I want to keep the miles off since I'm selling it. Then it was the gym and dinner.

The drive to work was very rough as just getting in the car was a struggle. With my back, knee, shoulder and neck hurting it was a long drive. Turning my head left was basically impossible. Luckily it was dark so cars had their lights on. There is a junction that is usually really fun to take because of the G force you can put on the car but man my neck wasn't having it. Felt like my head was going to fall off.

After work I ran up to my brother's house to drop off the car. It's going to be raining and colder the next week or so. So keeping the car out isn't worth it. Plus everyday I drive it to work that's another 100+ miles. I already have 21500 miles on it so I need to try and not add to many more because one of the selling features is that it still has full bumper to bumper warranty.

After my brothers I went to the gym to get my walk in. With my basically everything hurting it was a rough start. It took about 20 minutes to get my body warmed up enough to stop hurting for the most part. My left index finger is going to be my issue tonight/tomorrow. It is sore and bloated is the best way to describe it. I made it back home and took a shower. Feeling clean I made some dinner and sat on the couch to watch one of if not the last episode of Gold rush for this season.

That's it for today. Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Come back tomorrow for Day 31.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to like and share!


Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 31


Transformation Challenge 2024 Day 29