Crohn’s Emergency Part 2 - Surgery

Continuing from last week. Just before I was admitted I had to have an NG tube (nasogastric tube)installed. Having the NG tube go through my sinus and into my stomach was very strange and a nightmare to have put in. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It took about 8 hours before it didn't feel completely foreign and I stopped having tears from the discomfort. After the procedure  they took me to a semi personal room (Basically a room for 2 patients with a cloth in between). The other bed did have a person in it and he was doing well and basically waiting to be discharged in the morning. 

The Nurses came and checked in on me and gave me some morphine and anti nausea meds to help me sleep. My cramping had stopped at that point and I was finally able to fall asleep around 11PM. My Mom stayed with me the entire time and I can not thank her enough for staying.

My first night I was only woken up 2 times during the night to have my vitales taken and some blood taken for some tests. In the morning I met briefly with the floor doctor who was checking to see how my nausea was doing and if I was still in any pain. Luckily my pain was mostly gone since my cramping was gone. The cramping turns out was the result of the backed up stool in my stomach, with the NG tube that was a nightmare to have put in, the cramping was gone. 

A few hours later a member of the surgical team stopped by and gave me a run down of what was going to happen. Basically I was going to have to wait until Monday to have the obstruction removed. I made sure that they knew and to let the anesthesiologist know that I have an issue with succinylcholine where my body lacks the enzymes that break it down and it fully paralyzes me and I would need another medicine to counteract the effects. They took that down and told me to make sure I speak with the anesthesiologist just to make sure that doesn't happen to me again.

Over the next day and a half nothing much happened. I got up every 4 hours or so to use the bathroom and to take a little walk. In the roughly 2 days I was in the semi personal room I think I had around 8 IV bags with sugar and electrolytes as I was not allowed to eat or drink anything. I believe they emptied the container for my NG tube about 4 times. I basically just sat around and watched TV and walked with my Mom. I spoke with the nurses and doctors when they came in all just checking up to see if I needed anything

Monday morning the surgical doctor came in and spoke to me about the procedure and what they were going to do. They also were seeking permission to do whatever they needed to do to rectify anything they found as the CT scan can only show so much. The surgery was supposed to take the Ileum (where the small bowel obstruction was located), Fistula and a Stricture. I gave them permission to take those and anything else they found that was causing issues or could reasonably cause issues in the future.

Around 1:30 they took me down to preop where I met with the anesthesiologist and nurses and the Surgeon. My mom made sure to let them know about the succinylcholine issue. They acknowledged and affirmed that they would not be using that drug and would be using something else. The team went over the procedure and what I was to expect to happen during and after. I signed the papers allowing them to do what needed to be done and I was whisked away to the operating room not 10 minutes later. I remember scooting onto the operating table and talking with the anesthesiologist  for about a minute. They told me to take some deep breaths and I was out like a light.

What seemed like seconds later I was in the recovery area and being asked questions by the nurse and anesthesia tech. I can't remember many of the questions but mostly it had to do with how I was feeling and I can't remember much else. I do remember it seemed like a lot of questions but that might have just been me coming out from being under. I remember being sore but not hurting a lot, so that was nice.

When we got back to my room I was surprised it was the same room I had when I was admitted. I thought they may have moved rooms as that has happened to me before. I was a little disappointed as I was really hoping for a solo room to recover as I knew it was going to be a heck of a few days of recovery before they would let me go home. At least it was familiar and I had a really great nurse team.

After I got back to my room it was mostly just sitting still and resting as my body just went under a pretty big surgery. I was still a bit out of it but I do remember my family telling me what they did and telling me not to ask so many questions as I wont remember them. The Joke is on them as I remember exactly what they told me, at least when it pertains to what they took.

The Surgeon took the Ileum, along with a little bit more. In total it was about an Inch of my Colon, eight inches of Small intestines, and a bonus item of my appendix.. I was confused as to why they took out my appendix and it was mostly just out of convenience. It was right there where they were working and basically everyone gets it out eventually so why not now. I couldn't argue with that logic. That night I slept pretty well. My roommate was out like a light so I got some good sleep. 

Part 3: Recovery will be coming next week.

Thanks for reading and like and share!


Crohn’s Emergency Part 3 - Recovery


Crohn’s Emergency Part 1